Here at Camp Wilmot we take our call to be stewards of God's good creation seriously! Read on to learn about Camp Wilmot's steps toward being a more sustainable and environmentally conscious camp!
Apple Trees
To encourage the children's understanding and participation in caring for nature, we planted four new apple trees during Adventure Week. Throughout camp, kids helped to water the trees in nature class and paint signs in arts and crafts. During summer camps we have often taken campers to local farms to see where their food comes from. We now get a large percentage of our vegetables from these local farms.
Local Food
Partnered with a local farmer from Good Enough Farm, Camp Wilmot was able to incorporate more local and healthy food options into our menu. This opportunity allowed kids to learn about the importance of healthy eating and supporting local food systems. They learned about interesting new vegetables, like kohlrabi (a type of wild cabbage), and ate a whole meal of only local food made from locally purchased eggs, vegetables, and home picked rhubarb during Adventure Week. This meal was eaten in conjunction with the Presbyterian Young Adult Volunteer's from Boston who focus on local food systems. They taught the campers about their year-long pledge to eat locally and its importance to the environment. They even helped the kids make their own basil planters out of recycled soda bottles which each child got to take home with their budding basil plants.
Nature Class
During nature class, the campers experiment with different environmental issues concerning our world today. They also learn how one person could slightly alter their lives to help reduce these problems. The campers learn about the dangers of ocean pollution, oil spills, and erosion.