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Camper Drop Off & Pick Up

Drop off is between 3:30-5pm on the first day of camp for Adventure Camp and Youth Camps. 


Pick up starts at 10am with a closing ceremony which parents/families are invited to attend. All campers should have been picked up by 11am. 


Parking for both pick up and drop off is available on the gravel parking lot immediately in front of the Barn and Dining Hall. Visitors/families are not allowed to drive cars in any other area of Camp Wilmot. Staff will ferry camper luggage to and from the cabins.

Camp Store

Each day after lunch, campers have the option of buying cookies, popsicles, and a drink from the Camp Store. They can can also buy things like stickers, postcards, and frisbees. Most campers put about $15 in their "Camp Store account" (given during check-in) which lasts them the week.

Over the Weekend

To encourage both campers and staff to get rest between weeks of camp, all campers will go home over the weekend. For families with longer commutes, you can rent a cabin for the night. Laundry and meals will be the families' responsibility.

Contacting Campers

Campers will not have access to their phones or internet during the week, however, it is always exciting to receive an email from home. Emails can be sent to They will be printed off and delivered each day. Please note that campers will be unable to reply to the emails they receive. 


Snail mail can be addressed to your camper and sent to 5 Whites Pond Rd, Wilmot, NH 03287.


During the camp week, you can feel free to reach out to the directors at or 603-768-3350. We would be happy to give you an update on how your camper is doing (but we're often out and about the camp, so may not respond immediately).


We update our social media pages throughout the week with updates on what we've been up to, so be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram. We also send out a midweek summary via email on Wednesday or Thursday. 


In the event of an emergency, injury or illness (beyond minor bumps, bruises and insect bites etc.), the Camp Wilmot Nurse or Directors will contact all involved families. 

A Day in the Life

To see what a typical day at camp looks like, click here.

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